Sunday 15 September 2013

Introducing… Quick Release Glucosamine 65 Plus

Joint pain is a common complaint of people as they age, often due to the wearing down and deterioration of cartilage, which is a natural part of the ageing process. One of the most popular nutritional supplements for joint pain is glucosamine, and Simply Supplements is pleased to introduce our new Quick Release Glucosamine 65 Plus, specifically targeted towards ageing joints.
The role of glucosamine in the joints
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance in the joints that helps to produce synovial fluid; keeping the cartilage strong and lubricating the joints.
As we age, the body’s production of glucosamine slows, and this causes the cartilage to wear down and deteriorate. This can cause a painful grinding of bone on bone, resulting in restricted movement and sometimes deformed joints, known as osteoarthritis.
In order to ensure that their joins remain healthy and to minimise damage and pain, many people choose to take glucosamine supplements. Glucosamine supplementation is thought to be helpful to ageing joints because it can help to provide the levels needed that are no longer produced naturally by the body. It is believed that glucosamine can help to keep the joints lubricated, reduce pain and inflammation, and may also slow the rate of cartilage breakdown.
How does it work?
Quick Release Glucosamine 65 Plus comes in the form of an easy to swallow vegetarian EasyGest capsule. It can also be pulled apart and the tasteless contents sprinkled into food or drink to ensure ease of use.
The EasyGest capsule also supports the quick action of the contents by releasing them into the body within 20 minutes of consumption.
The presence of vitamin C aids the body’s absorption of glucosamine, therefore enabling it to work quicker and more effectively.
The ingredients
Quick Release Glucosamine 65 Plus is a combination of ingredients that are thought to be vital to the maintenance of ageing joints:
  • Vegetarian glucosamine – Manufactured from maize that undergoes a special fermentation process, meaning it is perfectly safe for vegetarians and vegans to consume.
  • Ginger – A powerful anti-inflammatory that may help to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints.
  • Calcium – A vital nutrient for building and strengthening bone. Particularly important for the over 65s, as bone mass decreases with age.
  • Magnesium – An important substance the functioning of the muscles, which are important in allowing the joints to move freely.
  • Vitamin C – As well as aiding absorption of glucosamine, vitamin C is important in the production of collagen which is present in the connective tissues. Vitamin C also contributes to the formation of cartilage.

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