Monday 30 September 2013

The top 5 dieting mistakes

Top 5 dieting mistakesMany of us want to lose weight but so many people compromise their weight loss goals by making simple mistakes. By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure that your targets are more easily attainable, and some weight loss supplements may also help you to achieve your goals.
1. Starving yourself
It might sound like a good way to save calories, but starving yourself and skipping meals can be detrimental; although it may seem like a sure-fire way to reduce your calorie intake, it can actually cause hunger and lead to the temptation of unhealthy snacking throughout the day.
2. Cutting out fat altogether
Cutting down on fat is an obvious way to help you lose weight, but be careful; there are some types of fat that you should keep in your diet.
Trans fats and saturated fats are bad for you, so try to get the vast majority of your fat intake from unsaturated fats found in oily fish, avocados, and nuts. Unsaturated fats are beneficial for health because they help to reduce cholesterol levels and contribute to healthy heart function.
It is also thought that the nutrients and vitamins within fruit and vegetables are absorbed better by the body when there is some fat present in the diet, so good fats are essential to ensure that you get maximum nourishment from your food.
3. Choosing the wrong drinks
If you’re managing your food intake, it can be easy to forget that drinks carry a calorie count too. Try to avoid fizzy drinks and alcohol, as these contain a lot of calories, as well as sugars that can also be detrimental to weight loss goals.
Instead, drink plenty of water, as this helps to keep your body hydrated; an essential factor in boosting your metabolism.
4. Unrealistic targets
You may feel as though you want to lose a fair amount of weight, and quickly. But setting unrealistic targets can often have the opposite effect; it will be hard for you to achieve these goals, and the early disappointment might be enough to put you off altogether. A sensible target would be to aim for a weight loss of around two pounds per week.
Additionally, try not to weigh yourself too often. Weight fluctuates day by day, and it can be frustrating and disheartening if it doesn’t drop immediately. Instead, try weighing on a weekly basis to give a more accurate idea of your progress.
5. Lack of exercise
Although eating healthily is a good start, adding regular exercise to your daily routine can further increase your chances of shedding those extra pounds. Exercise can rev up your metabolism and contribute to the burning of calories, as well as helping to tone your body as you slim down. Try and aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day.
Supplements to aid weight loss: African mango is a popular appetite suppressant that regulates leptin levels in the body. Low levels of leptin levels are generally thought to be responsible for causing hunger cravings.

Saturday 28 September 2013


        Sometimes we may not have Windows disc to install or optical drives t. If you want to install windows from a USB device, you'll need to get the windows copy with you. unfortunately, simply copying them there won't do.

        Here I'll show you how to install windows (all version) through USB device by simple steps..
for that, You need the image file of windows & a flash drive with proper size depending on the windows copy.

step 1: Format the flash drive
step 2: Download Novicorp Win 2 flash

Only for those who are using older version of Novicorp than 0.8.0000

step 3: Download Deamon Tools

step 4: Install deamon tools & open the windows file in the virtual drive

step 5: Open Novicorp and follow the instructions

step 6: Select the Windows file path &
USB device and click next,

now it will copy the windows files to 
USB device & You can use this flash drive to boot your system.

for those who are using Novicorp 0.8.000 or newer version

step 3: Open Novicorp and follow the instructions

step 4: select the image file of windows & 
USB device
        (Check the box ''use my image file')

you can use the flash drive to install windows after completing the process.

Note: For more enquire on tech information, leave comment or send email to


Many programs and Games take lots memory during operation, which is a nightmare for low RAM systems. So to avoid this make your pen drive of large size as RAM, which will make your system faster. 

To know how to do this, follow below steps.

1) Insert your USB flash drive (Minimum 2 GB)
2) Right Click on My Computer>> Properties
3) Click on 'Advanced' tab

4) Click on Settings under perfomance

5)Click on Advanced Tab

6) Click on change button under virtual memory

7) Select your USB drive

8) Click on coustom size radio button and give the values as follows,
         Initial size 1020
         Maximum size: 1020

The size depends upon your free memory capacity of your pen drive.
So you can change this limit according to your pen drive size.

9) Click on Set button, then click on OK

10) Restart Your computer.

Try it & Make your system faster...

Getting started with iOS 7: The best tools and tips

Apple’s latest mobile OS has been released alongside their new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, with some significant differences this time around. We took a trip through a lot of these new features and offered some tips for getting most out of the OS.
Very little of what changed in iOS 7 was solely visual. Every tool in the OS, from the lockscreen to the camera app, has seen an update in both design and usability. To walk you through some of the bigger changes, we’ve put together a series of quick videos that will help sort out the best ways to use these new features. We’ll start out with the new notification center, which offers you a great glance at your day as well as your current notifications from apps on your phone or tablet.
Swiping down from the top is no longer the only way to access information quickly on the iPhone. Control Center is all new for iOS, and allows you to swipe up from anywhere in the OS and access basic settings like volume, Bluetooth, screen brightness, and even the LED on the back of the phone for when you need a flashlight. If you’re playing music, the album art and track will show up here alongside controls for the music app. This system is on by default anywhere on your OS, including the lockscreen.
If you’re not a fan of having those setting available to anyone who picks up your phone, you can access controls for where this feature is allowed to work in the Settings page.
Using folders in iOS 7 is a little different now, as well. The previous animation, where the screen split and the icons in the folder existed underneath, is gone. Instead, you now have a separate page where the icons live. The benefit to this is you can now have unlimited apps in a single folder. The UI lets you just swipe through the pages just like a homescreen.
The folder page is a 3×3 grid instead of the 5×4 grid currently on the homescreen, which means you’ll be doing a little more swiping if you plan to keep a lot of apps in a single folder. Additionally, the folder itself becomes the return point for when you leave an app via the home button. If you open an app from a folder and press home, you’ll be returned to that folder.
If you’re a fan of Safari for iOS, you may have noticed a few extra — and potentially unwanted buttons — promoting Disney, Apple, ESPN, and Yahoo. Don’t worry, they aren’t permanent. These are a visualization of your bookmarked Favorites, and Apple has set up a few to get you started. Unfortunately, adding and removing Favorites isn’t completely obvious. Our quick video walks you through how to add or remove things from your Favorites.
While Apple’s new Touch ID system is available for the iPhone 5S only right now, it’s clear that this is something that will be around for a little while. As a fingerprint sensor for bio-metric authentication, Apple has hit the nail on the head. Not only is using the system nice and simple, but the setup is incredibly simple. You can set yourself up in under a minute, and it has a very high accuracy rate as you us it for unlocking your phone and completing purchases.
There are still many other things going on in iOS 7 that we haven’t covered here. You really could lose a day trying to find all of the new things going on with this OS. Many of the changes are subtle, visual differences on the surface with wildly different functionality underneath. Whether you’re a fan of all of the changes or not, it’s a whole new iOS in front of us today.

6 ways to relieve back pain at your desk

Back pain is one of the most common health conditions in the UK – it is estimated that eight million people in the UK currently suffer with chronic back pain. It can be further exacerbated by sitting down for prolonged periods of time, so working behind a desk all day can become problematic. Often, desk work also leads to poor posture.  In addition to back pain, sedentary lifestyles can increase the risk of developing health problems such as diabetes and obesity.
So many Brits suffer from excruciating pain throughout the day whilst trying to manage a heavy workload. What can you do?
1) Stretches you can do from your chair
Basic stretching exercises will help relieve tension in the back and increase energy levels. More strenuous exercises probably aren’t possible whilst at work, but there are simple stretches that may help to combat back pain.
  • Neck – slowly flex your head forwards and backwards and look left to right (don’t roll in a circular motion as this can strain muscles supporting your neck).
  • Shoulders – roll shoulders in a circular motion forwards 10 times then backwards 10 times. This helps to relieve any tension.
  • Hands and wrists – roll wrists in circular motion on regular basis. If you spend most of the working day typing this will prevent Carpal Tunnel syndrome.
  • Abdomen – take a deep breath and hold your stomach muscles for a few seconds. Then release when breathing out. Repeat at regular intervals throughout the day. This also helps relieve tension and stress.
2) Watch your posture
It is vital to monitor your posture when you spend long periods of the day sitting down, particularly if you suffer from back pain. When seated always keep your back straight and your shoulders back. If you use a computer then the top of the computer monitor should be level with your eyes. Ideally, feet should be kept flat on the floor. You may need to monitor your posture closely at first if you catch yourself slouching, but soon adopting a good posture will become automatic.
3) Move around
If your job requires you to sit at a desk for the duration of the working day make regular attempts to get up and move around. Try to break your eyes away from the computer screen every thirty minutes and focus on something else in the room for at least thirty seconds. This will reduce eye strain and headaches. Also, walk to converse with colleagues rather than email or phone – although I appreciate this is not always possible when you have a busy diary to keep on top of. If you’re really motivated you could try and join a gym near your office. Pop in before or after work, or on your lunch break.
4) Changes to your diet
Avoid the vending machines! Chocolates and fizzy drinks provide short bursts of energy that result in a ‘crash’ soon after eating. Your muscles need a constant supply of energy to function properly so eat foods that offer sustained energy such as complex carbohydrates, whole grains, and pasta. Also try to consume plenty of antioxidant fruits and vegetables and bring your own healthy snacks along to work.
Nutritional supplements can also help to relieve back pain. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are popularly taken in combination to relieve pain and inflammation in the back.B-vitamins (in particular B12) have also been found to alleviate back pain. B-vitamins are essential for healthy functioning of the nervous system and it is believed they help reduce back pain by inhibiting the key signalling pathway inside nerve cells.
5) Drink plenty of water
Dehydration is a leading cause of tiredness and fatigue, and has also been associated with back pain. Try to drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of fresh water per day. Avoid fizzy and sugary drinks as these will result in an energy ‘crash’ soon after drinking, increasing tiredness, fatigue, and back pain.
6) Hot and cold therapy
Play around and see which works best for your back pain. Cold therapy is particularly useful in helping reduce inflammation and swelling, whilst heat therapy reduces cramping and muscle spasms. It is easy to keep a hot water bottle on hand if back pain becomes severe whilst at your desk.

7 reasons to love Apple Cider Vinegar supplements

Apple cider vinegar supplement benefits
Many of us have heard the saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. This may sound old fashioned, but it is based on sound evidence. The high nutritional content of apples means that they can support health in many different ways. 
What is apple cider vinegar? 
Apple cider vinegar is made from crushed apples that undergo a natural fermentation process. This fermentation process involves the breakdown of sugar within the apple cider by bacteria and yeast. Like other vinegars, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid as well as some citric and lactic acids. Apple cider vinegar also contains a high percentage of the nutrients found naturally within the fruit. These include potassium, pectin, calcium, b vitamins and magnesium. 
Although little medical research has been officially conducted into the benefits apple cider vinegar can offer, this traditional folk remedy has remained popular for thousands of years, particularly as a weight loss aid. The main benefits of apple cider vinegar supplements include: 
  1. Weight Loss – Apple cider vinegar can help to balance blood sugar levels after a meal. This prevents sugar crashes that trigger cravings for carbohydrates and sugary foods. It can also act as a natural appetite suppressant, which makes you feel fuller after a meal. For these reasons, apple cider vinegar can offer a much needed boost to a healthy weight loss regime.
  1. Blood Sugar – When consumed with a meal, the pectins in apple cider vinegar assist the break down of carbohydrates into sugar, which helps to slow the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. This reduces the rise in blood glucose levels that occur after eating a meal. For this reason, apple cider vinegar may be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.
  1. Digestion – Apple cider vinegar is thought to maintain a healthy pH balance throughout the digestive system. A highly acidic pH level may cause dips in energy levels and a weak immune system.  Apple cider vinegar also assists in the break down of fats from the foods we eat, which further supports healthy digestion and may improve bowel regularity. Taken 30 minutes before a meal, apple cider vinegar may also help to reduce the chance of indigestion and intestinal spasms.
  1. Blood Pressure – The potassium within apple cider vinegar may help to maintain normal blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to atherosclerosis, which is a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes. Apple cider vinegar may be beneficial for mild to moderate high blood pressure.
  1. Cholesterol Levels – The acetic acid and pectin content in apple cider vinegar may help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels are known to significantly increase the risk of heart disease.
  1. Joint Health – Certain types of joint pain can be linked to the build up of toxins in joint tissues. Apple cider vinegar may help to flush these toxins from the body. Apple cider vinegar contains magnesium, calcium and potassium. Low levels of these essential minerals can result in aches, pains and muscle cramps.
  1. Asthma – Early findings from preliminary clinical studies show that apple cider vinegar may help to reduce the risk of asthma by up to one-third. These findings may be explained by apple cider vinegar’s high antioxidant content.
How much apple cider vinegar should I take?
Apple cider vinegar can be highly acidic and so many people prefer to take the vinegar in supplement form to protect tooth enamel and the lining of the throat. Apple cider vinegar supplements have been shown to be safe when taken within the recommended guidelines. People with diabetes may find apple cider vinegar supplements to be beneficial, but should always consult with a medical professional prior to supplementation. Certain nutrients within apple cider vinegar may interact with laxatives and diuretics, so use caution and consult with a medical professional prior to use if you are already taking such medication.
Simply Supplements’ own expert nutritionists have developed our high strength Apple Cider Vinegar 400mg capsules, which provide 19% acetic acid. 

The inside scoop on African Mango

African Mango benefits The history of the African Mango
The African mango fruit is taken from the Irvingia Gabonensis tree that is native to West Africa. This brightly coloured tropical fruit is rich in healthy proteins, fats and fibre. Over the years,  African mango supplementshave become popular around the world as a natural support for weight loss and have received numerous celebrity endorsements.
The health benefits provided by the African mango fruit are thought to be from the seeds within the fruit, commonly referred to as the Dikanut seed.
The potential benefits of African Mango
African mango supplements may support healthy:
  • Weight loss
  • Appetite control
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Blood glucose levels
  • Digestion
  • Energy levels 
African mango is thought to trigger the release of certain hormones and enzymes that improve leptin sensitivity. Leptin plays a key role in appetite control by reducing hunger signals sent to the brain. Therefore leptin levels can have a significant impact on successful and sustained weight loss.
Data also showed improvements in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Participants were advised not to change their diet or exercise routine for the duration of the trial.
How much African Mango should I take?
No major side effects have been reported from taking African mango supplements. Extracts from the African mango fruit contain no stimulants and so they are completely free from the unwanted side effects commonly associated with stimulants.
high strength African Mango 5000mg supplement to offer beneficial extracts from the Dikanut seed. Simply take one tablet daily to support a healthy weight loss regime. 
For best results, any weight loss supplement should be used in addition to adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Supplements should be viewed as an additional boost for healthy weight loss diets.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Google Adds Remote Locking for MIA Androids

If your Android device is lost or stolen, and you're sweating bullets over sensitive material getting into the wrong hands, you can relax a little -- as long as it's connected to the Internet. Google has finally introduced remote lock functionality as a feature of its new Android Device Manager. All you need to do is go online to activate the lock.

Google on Tuesday rolled out a feature for its recently launched Android Device Manager that lets users lock down a stolen Android device from anywhere, via the Web.

This is something that should be built into the OS and the platform because it's an inherent security feature, iOS has had it for three years, and there are several third-party remote lock and tracking apps for Android devices. "Consumers weren't demanding security, so why should Google put it in?"

Sure, with the NSA stuff security is important -- but in three months everybody's going to forget about it, and nobody's going to care.

How It Works

Android Device Manager and its newly released remote lock feature run on Android 2.2 and above. The remote lock feature will override any existing password on an Android device, and it will turn off the screen as well, so long as the device is connected to a network. 

If it is in Airplane mode or is turned off, the remote lock feature will kick in the moment the device is connected to a network.Users have to first enable the Android Device Manager. Then they go to the Android Device Manager website and choose "Lock," enter a new password, and confirm it. The device will then be locked and will require the new password to unlock.

Late to the Party

Remote Lock is a feature that has been a part of most mobile device management solutions for years, It is designed as a safety in case you misplace your phone and want to be sure that it is locked. The actual remote lock operation is part of the MDM API which Google has now implemented in their own Android Device Manager interface. 

With the growing trend toward BYOD, many businesses have selected MDM solutions to institute some form of control over the proliferation of mobile devices being used by employees in the workplace. Android's remote lock can coexist with existing enterprise solutions.

 A device can have multiple device administrators configured, so it is perfectly reasonable for the end user to use the Google Android Device Manager to remote lock a lost device as well as an enterprise management solution such as third-party MDM to also provide the same capabilities for the enterprise. 

Impact on Third Parties

There are several third-party solutions from independent vendors, such as Where's My DroidSeek My Android, and Seek Droid Some are free and others are for-pay. Where's My Droid has been around since 2009, for example. It added screen lock to its features in 2011.

Google's remote lock feature will likely shoulder out third-party products because third-party products are more likely to break when there's a patch, whereas core features won't because they have been tested against the patch already.

However, platform vendors like Google will just do the basics, so if you need a lot of bells and whistles, that's where third-party players can provide value, "Remote lock will only ensure the device is locked

Safety Is Just a Concept

Security is the biggest challenge in our industry because there aren't industry-wide standards, consumers don't want to pay for it, and anything you put in can be hacked, "Even the Apple fingerprint sensor was hacked in two days.Remote lock features should be used with other security features.
"Many users will have more than one security app, in order to protect themselves better.

10 ways to reduce the pain of IBS

By Simply SupplementsAcidophilus can be an effective natural IBS treatment
If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), adding some friendly bacteria such asacidophilus to your diet can be an effective form of IBS treatment. There are also a host of other ways in which you can reduce the pain of IBS. Here are our ten top tips…
1. Have a massage
A massage that follows a gentle clockwise motion on the abdomen or lower back can help to reduce stress levels, which are a major trigger of IBS symptoms. In addition, a massage can improve blood flow and reduce the severity of muscle cramps.
2. Relax
Stress and anxiety can trigger IBS, so if you feel in pain, try to relax; perhaps by listening to some calming music or going to sleep.
Exercise is also useful. A low-impact activity such as yoga can help by relaxing the mind and improving circulation to release muscle cramps.
3. Have a hot bath
Heat therapy can be an effective way to reduce IBS discomfort. A hot bath helps to ease tension in the muscles, gut and pelvis, reducing your pain.
4. Try heat pads or hot water bottles
Similarly, applying a heat pad or hot water bottle to painful areas, particularly the stomach, can be effective in soothing aches caused by IBS.
5. Try an anti-spasmodic
A common symptom of IBS is muscle cramps. If you suffer from these, your doctor can prescribe an anti-spasmodic medication, which can help to reduce cramps and abdominal pain.
6. Swap codeine for paracetamol
If you need to use pain killers, codeine may cause a side effect of constipation. To avoid this, try using paracetamol instead.
7. Isolate trigger foods
Certain foods or drinks can aggravate IBS symptoms, so keeping a food diary can prove to be effective in identifying what doesn’t agree with you. From here, you can isolate the foods that trigger your symptoms and remove them from your diet.
8. Try a calming tea
Peppermint tea is popular for aiding digestion, and has been found to help with the relief of abdominal gas, bloating, and muscle spasms. 
9.  Take a daily dose of magnesium
Magnesium can help with constipation by drawing water to the digestive tract to make stools easier to pass.
10. Add some friendly bacteria
Taking a daily acidophilus supplement can help to provide the digestive system with ‘friendly bacteria’ that help to reduce IBS pain and bloating. The probiotics within acidophilus are important for keeping the digestive system healthy.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Microsoft Surfaces 2 New Tablet Models

Microsoft's new additions to its Surface line of tablets don't seem to offer a solution to its biggest problem: lack of a clear identity. "You can't think of the Surface Pro 2 as a tablet, you have to think of it as an Ultrabook or netbook," said Bob O'Donnell, a program vice president at IDC. The enterprise has resisted Ultrabooks and netbooks, though -- so why would it want the Surface?

Microsoft on Monday announced the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 tablets. They are faster and have more battery life than their predecessors.
The crux of the matter for Microsoft remains the same," Microsoft has to say that positions it as unique and valuable compared to Apple, Android players or its own partners."

Surface Tablet Tech Specs

  • The Surface 2 is built around an Nvidia Tegra 4 processor, which increases battery life to up to 10 hours and makes apps run faster and more smoothly, according to Microsoft. 
  • It has a 10.6-inch ClearType Full HD display.
  • Both the Surface 2's 3.5-MP front camera and the rear 5-MP camera can capture 1080p HD video; both have improved low-light performance.
  • Surface 2 will ship with Windows 8 RT 8.1, which offers improved personalization, search, and multitasking; built-in apps; and cloud connectivity.
  • The Surface 2 will include Xbox Music for streaming songs and an updated video app, and it will come preloaded with Microsoft Office RT, including Outlook RT.
  • The Surface Pro 2 is built around an Intel Core i5 Haswell processor.
  • It has a 512-GB flash hard drive.
  • Users can snap apps side by side, and open as many windows as they need.
  • The Surface Pro 2 has a pressure-sensitive Surface Pen with palm-blocking technology. It has a 1080p HD screen.
  • Both tablets have a full-size USB 3.0 port, an HD Video Out port, and a microSD reader.
  • Both tablets come with one year of free calling to landlines in more than 60 countries; free Skype WiFi at more than 2 million hotspots worldwide; and two years' free access to 200 GB of additional storage on SkyDrive.

Retro Me, Sathanas

The devil is in the details, and consumers should examine them before purchasing either tablet.
Some functionality is limited in Office 2013 RT for example.
The year's free calling excludes special, premium and non-geographic numbers.
Internet access fees may apply when Skype WiFi is accessed, and calling is restricted to select countries and lines only.

Microsoft Office for the Surface Pro 2 will be sold separately, so factor that into your calculations.
"It's important for businesses to understand that -- as before -- Office included on Surface is for noncommercial use," Wes Miller, an analyst at Directions on Microsoft, told TechNewsWorld. "It requires additional licensing and costs for a business to have Office licensed correctly."

Pricing and Availability

The Surface 2 will be offered in 32-GB and 64-GB configurations. Pricing will begin at US$450.
The Surface Pro 2 will be available in 64-GB and 128-GB configurations with 4 GB of RAM, and 256-GB and 512-GB versions with 8 GB of RAM.
Prices begin at $900.
Pre-orders can be placed starting Tuesday.

Initial Reactions

"Surface 2 is still at least $50 higher than it should be, and the market will likely reflect that," Miller asserted. "Surface Pro 2 is a lot of great hardware built into an even better package than last year, but that is indeed a relatively high price that ascends rapidly when you accessorize it."
However, "you can't think of the Surface Pro 2 as a tablet, you have to think of it as an Ultrabook or netbook," Bob O'Donnell, a program vice president at IDC, told TechNewsWorld. "But that category is still price-challenged."

Perhaps the most controversial issue is Microsoft's continuing with Windows RT in the Surface 2 despite taking a $900 million writedown on Windows RT tablets.
"The Surface 2's running Windows RT is in and of itself a huge challenge, because most people have voted with their dollars and decided to go with Surface Pro," O'Donnell remarked.

On the other hand, moving to Windows RT is the right strategy for Microsoft, argued ABI's Orr. "I'm a vocal proponent that Microsoft needs to depart from its aging code base of Windows OS when it comes to mobile devices."

How to Keep Border Guards From Reading Your Laptop

Computers aren't the only data storage devices you have to worry about at the border. Nowadays, it's possible to go without your laptop for a few days. But your mobile phone? Not so much.
Most phones contain contacts, emails, banking and credit card info from shopping apps, location-based data and tracking information, photos and more.
Despite this wealth of sensitive data, there are some challenges to secure storage on a mobile phone, challenges that don't exist with computers. For one, it's more difficult to truly delete files on a mobile phone.
If you're a customer of T-Mobile or AT&T, or any other carrier that uses the international Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) standard, you can buy a cheap phone and move your SIM card into it.
That way, you can leave your data-rich phone at home and people will still be able to contact you using your existing number.
If you put a passcode on an iPhone, the device will also encrypt its data using that passcode as the key, thus adding another layer of security.
If you have an Android smartphone you can use the "Encrypt Phone" feature to secure your data. There are also several apps that provide strong additional encryption, such as "SSE-Universal Encryption App" and "WhisperCore."
You can also use encrypted messaging services like Wickr and Silent Text that can securely delete messages soon after they're sent.