Monday, 18 November 2013

5 steps to recovery and detox the morning

There is no cure for a hangover, but taking certain steps, such as rehydrating your body and replenishing its lost nutrients, can help to relieve the symptoms. Certain supplements, particularly B vitamins, may also be beneficial. 

1) Rehydrate
Alcohol is a diuretic (removes fluid from the body), which means that when you drink too much, you become dehydrated. It is therefore important to consume plenty of water after drinking, as this can replace the lost stores from your cells and allow the body to start functioning properly.

The fabled ‘hair of the dog’ routine of easing symptoms by drinking more alcohol is simply a myth; it only delays the suffering.

2) Eat healthy foods
If you have a hangover, it can be tempting to order a takeaway or reach for some junk food, but these usually offer little nutritional value and can cause an energy crash. Instead, try and force yourself to eat something healthy, with plenty of fruit and vegetables to provide your body with energy. A vegetable-rich soup can be a good way to provide your body with these nutrients.

Alcohol also lowers blood sugar levels, so try to eat some pasta, potatoes, or bread to provide the body with much needed glucose.

3) Rest
You may feel tired and groggy, so going back to sleep can be an appealing prospect. And some experts suggest that this is perfectly fine, and can help by allowing your body more time to recover while you are asleep.

4) Exercise
It may be the last thing on your mind, but there is a school of thought that suggests exercise may be beneficial. Exercise improves energy levels and also stimulates the release of feel-good endorphins, so it could help to make you feel much better.

If you do exercise, take it steady and remember to take plenty of water on board as you may still be dehydrated from the night before.

5) Replenish lost vitamins
Drinking alcohol depletes the body’s stores of nutrients, and the B vitamins are lost the quickest.

B vitamins are some of the most important for the functioning of the human body, playing a role in energy metabolism, heart function, and mental performance. They may also help with the removal of toxins caused by alcohol. It is therefore important that B vitamins are replaced as soon as possible.

Drinking too much, too often is never a good idea, but if you do occasionally overdo it, follow these steps to aid your recovery and detox your body.

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